Saturday, December 21, 2013


berikut ini adalah list dari peserta IS2C CTF COMPETITION 2013 yang diadakan di JOGJA DIGITAL VALLEY

dan berikut adalah foto-foto pelaksanaan acara dan pemenang perlombaan.
Gambar 1. Tabel skor

Gambar 2. Senior Trainer dan juara 1 Team BEWARA

Gambar 3. Pelaksanaan Lomba
Gambar 4. Beberapa Senior Trainer dan Siswa IS2C menonton

Terima kasih kepada semua peserta yang sudah mengikuti acara IS2C CTF COMPETITION 2013, panitia lomba,dan Jogja Digital Valley yang telah berkenan menyediakan tempat, Selamat juga  kepada team BEWARA yang telah menjadi juara tunggal.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Whatsapp Xtract, see your chat on PC

hi there, see you again with me, after a long time im not write in here :)
Yesterday i found microSD, i dont know who have this microSD, so I try to open that on my PC.
im not  found anything, except folder whatsapp. In that folder i found database (msgstore.db.crypt), but i can't open the file, i think the file has encrypt from whatsapp apps. 

I searching in google, about how can i see that database, and i found . and there is the step extract database

step 1. open terminal
step 2 .  go into folder whatsapp_xtract and chmod 777
step 3. execution
step 4. open file msgstore.db.html with your browser 

ok, that my article on this day, see you next time :)